Listening and the boiling milk
How many times has this happen to you? You are standing in front of the stove to boil a packet of milk. It is oneRead More

10 sure signs that you are listening
One of the common behavioural changes that leaders commit to make to their coaches is to listen better. Sounds like a good intention indeed. TheRead More

The waning charm of Heroism in corporate leadership
For several decades, the corporate world adored and celebrated heroism as a style of leading organisations. There were biographies and autobiographies. They appeared on theRead More

Can Leaders be Made to Measure?
Here is a typical (but fictitious) discussion in a talent council meeting in a typical company: You see, kavish is great at getting things done.Read More

Is the Indian IT Industry a Wellspring of Talent?
For the past several months, we have all been reading gloomy reports about india it services companies laying off in the hundreds if not thousands.Read More

How Are You When You Are Not Coaching?
Coaches are human beings – they did not descent from heaven. coaches also play several roles in addition to being coaches – they are spouses,Read More

The Movie Up in the Air Explains it All
Ryan bingham works for an hr consulting firm that specialises in termination assistance – basically firing employees. Ryan is called back to office to beRead More

Too Much Assessment too Little Support
If you walk the streets of any of our cities, you will see innumerable scan centres, imaging centres, diagnostic centres and labs and so on.Read More

Infosys and the Eye of the Beholder
Produced by general electric theatre (broadcast by cbs radio and television) and aired in 1953 was the episode “the eye of the beholder“, starring richardRead More

A Warm Welcome to BOTs in HR
VUCA is passé. disruption is the new buzz word. the coolest thing to do is to disrupt someone or something! It is most cool ifRead More